“Yup, you’ve already started a church…”

I keep having the same conversation over and over.

Someone hears about how Launchpad can help them start a church, so they book a time to chat with me or Jen. We get on the phone and have a lovely conversation about their background, why they see a need for an affirming and inclusive church in their community, and how they’re not sure they’re supposed to start a church, because it’s a lot of work and they don’t know what they’re doing, and they don’t have the theological training and any number of excuses why they’re incapable of starting a church.

And then nearly always, these callers say something like this…

“So I don’t know if I’m supposed to start a church… while I’m figuring that out, I’ve been gathering a group of friends in my house every week to pray, sing and study the Bible.”

Uhh… that’s a church!!!! Yup, you’ve already started a church!

I get where they’re coming from. Most people think churches are supposed to be Sunday mornings at 10:30am in a church building with a stage where a worship leader sings a few songs and then a preacher gets up and gives a 25-minute sermon, followed by communion and another song. (Well, ok, most with an evangelical heritage think it’s supposed to be this way.)

Yes, church is that. 

And church can also be gathering a handful of friends in your home to listen to a podcast of a sermon from another state and discuss it. 

And church can also be gathering over a potluck meal once a month to pray and walk alongside each other.

And church can also be gathering some friends to volunteer once a month at a shelter for homeless LGBTQ youth followed by brunch to share stories.

Allow yourself to dream about where and how God can use you in your local community. Launchpad can help you figure out what church is in your context. We can help you discern what church looks like for you and for those people you’re called to reach. 

We can coach you through how to start a Sunday morning worshipping community that looks like a traditional church, and we can also share lots of stories about churches that might not look like what you think church is supposed to look like. This is part of what makes Launchpad unique. We recognize that in the context of progressive, inclusive, and affirming theology, church community can and should look like many things. Schedule some time to talk about taking that next step.

The world needs more inclusive, Jesus-following, antiracist, love & justice-generating communities.