Worship in a Changing World
An 8-Week Cohort Starting February 2025
If we stepped back from our worship to look at the whole picture, we’d ask ourselves why we do certain things we’ve always done. When it comes to worship, there are practices that are timeless and there are spaces where we are called to evolve as people of God.
This cohort will give us space to explore those deeper questions. We’ll remind ourselves of where we came from and explore what God is calling us to in this moment.
We’ll meet a total of 5 times, over Zoom, for 2 hours each time, starting in February. We’ll start with one day of two sessions, then set the rest of our meetings over an 8 week period. This cohort is intended for worship teams to have space and direction to help strategize and learn together. It’s also intended for individual leaders who might need colleagues and support to help them navigate their context and build their team. If you struggle with any aspect of energizing your worship, this cohort is for you.
Cohort topics will include the following topics and more:
- exploring your history and future
- worship and its relationship to hospitality and justice
- Four movements of telling the story of the Bible
- building a music library
- building teams and shared leadership for worship planning

Pastor Rachael McClair, Cohort Facilitator
Rachael is the Co-pastor at Highlands Church in Denver, CO, where the “Ethos” was born, which has inspired and been borrowed by communities across the US and Europe. For twenty-five years, she has served the local church in worship, preaching, small groups and justice ministries. Fifteen of those years have been spent in a shared, collaborative leadership model.
Rachael is a certified Spiritual Director and coaches leaders through Launchpad Partners.
This cohort is a deep dive into the theological “why” of what we do. For many of us, our theology has expanded as we understand God’s wide embrace of all people and heart for justice. But our worship practices are far behind and don’t tell the same story our sermons do. Together we will ask the deeper questions to align our spiritual practices with our abundant faith.”
Register now to join our inaugural 8-week cohort for just $500 per team (regular price $1000) and secure your spot at this discounted rate!
Questions? Please email Rachael McClair.